Product Redirect
If you want to share links pointing to TCG Land detail products, you can use the full url that contains ids plus names. But this ulr is large and contains redundant information for SEO. So we implemented another way to do it.
TCG Land provides a shortcut to access the card page via its public identifier, so you will not need to store the full URL in your system.
This is the best way to maximize your reach and earnings sharing links to TCG Land through our affiliate program! If you’re not yet a part of our Affiliate Program, don’t miss out – Contact Us today to join and start benefiting.
Product Redirect is really simple to use. Add the TCG Land Id to the
url. It will redirect your request to the right page
respecting the parameters.
You can download the TCG Land id from our periodic bulk file.
For example, let’s say that you want to share the Magic: The Gathering card Angel of Mercy and its TCG Land Identifier is mtg_single_10e_2★_en
The URL will be★_en.
Let’s say that you want to share it with your affiliate code as parameter. Then the short link will be★_en?via=your-affiliate-code
So you decide:
- Long formatted URL:
- Short URL:
Next, another example. This time with the Pokémon card Alcremie: