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TCG Lands have a service called Multisearch (Búsqueda múltiple) that allows to import cards sets of cards using various formats. These formats are the formats used by deck management services like Moxfield or Goldfish.

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In this documentation we are explaining how to create links pointing to this service, by filling automatically the set of card to search.

We have to different ways to do it, Crafting your own link and Using the official ID from the source.

Creating your own link pointing to TCG Land Multisearch is not difficult at all. It follows the pattern{F}&separator={S}&lines={L} where:

  • {F} is the format you want to use. Supported formats are: moxfield, goldfish, only_names and quantity_name
  • {S} is the separator that you will use in the parameter lines. Every card listed there, should be separated by the character specified. This parameter is optional and the default separator is |.
  • {L} The list of lines to import, following the format specified in the parameter format and separated using the character specified in the parameter separator.

You can find examples in the specific format sections below.

Moxfield format

The format query parameter for Moxfield is moxfield.

It’s the one used by Moxfield website, via Download -> Copy for Moxfield. The expected line format is <quantity> <name> (<set id>) <collector number>. Other fields are ignored.

Example: Imagine that you want to share a deck using the moxfield format, the separator | and the following lines:

  • 2 Island (DMU) 265
  • 4 Isochron Scepter (2XM) 264
  • 4 Orim’s Chant (MH3) 265

The link to share should be:|&lines=2 Island (DMU) 265|4 Isochron Scepter (2XM) 264|4 Orim's Chant (MH3) 265

Goldfish format

The format query parameter for Goldfish is goldfish.

It’s the one used by MTGGoldfish website, via Decks -> Download -> Text File (Default). The expected line format is <quantity> <name>.

Example: Imagine that you want to share a deck using the goldfish format, the separator | and the following lines:

  • 2 Island
  • 4 Isochron Scepter
  • 4 Orim’s Chant

The link to share should be:|&lines=2 Island|4 Isochron Scepter|4 Orim's Chant

Quantity and Name

The format query parameter for list of quantity and names is quantity_name.

This is a generally used export format that is a simple list of cards names prefixed by the quantity.

Example: Imagine that you want to share a deck using the quantity_name format, the separator | and the following lines:

  • 2 Island
  • 4 Isochron Scepter
  • 4 Orim’s Chant

The link to share should be:|&lines=2 Island|4 Isochron Scepter|4 Orim's Chant

Only names

The format query parameter for list of only names is only_names.

This is a generally used export format that is a simple list of cards names.

Example: Imagine that you want to share a deck using the only_names format, the separator | and the following lines:

  • Island
  • Isochron Scepter
  • Orim’s Chant

The link to share should be:|&lines=Island|Isochron Scepter|Orim's Chant

Use the official ID from the source

TCG Land also provides a shortcut to access to your decks from your favourite platform (at the moment, only Moxfield and Goldfish are supported, but more are coming), so you will not need to create the list of cards and so on.

To create a shortcut to TCG Land Multisearch is really simple. The link follows the pattern{F}/{ID} where:

  • {F} is the platform from where to download the list of cards. At the moment, only moxfield is supported.
  • {ID} is the ID of the deck you want to share.

Moxfield format

The format path parameter for Moxfield is moxfield.

It will download the deck from Moxfield and create the list of cards, adding only cards in the mainboard and sideboard sections.

Example: Imagine that you want to share a deck from Moxfield and the ID is odaoaOSxfUWZqx1pTzWNwg:

So the link to share should be:

Goldfish format

The format path parameter for Goldfish is goldfish.

It will download the deck file from the menu Download -> Text File (Default) in MTGGoldfish.

Example: Imagine that you want to share a deck from Goldfish and the ID is 6496615:

So the link to share should be:

Adding affiliate parameter.

Both methods will respect your affiliate parameter. So feel free to add it as explained in Affiliates section.